Sunday, October 12, 2008


Eka means one, pada the leg or foot and kapota as dove or pigeon. Rajakapota means the king of pigions.In this asana, the chest is pushed forward like that of a pouter pegieon, hence the name of the pose.

1. Kneel on the floor and place the palms on either side of the body on the floor. Lift the knees up. Bring the right leg forward and the left leg back and stretch both legs straight with an exhalation. The back of the lefg in front and the front of the leg in the should touch the floor. The legs will now be in Hanumanasana, which resembles the splits of WESTERN BALLET.
2. Push the chest forward, extend the neck and throw the head as far back asa you can. Bend the left kneee and take th left foot up near the head. The left shin from knee to ankle should be perpendicular to the floor.
3. With an exhalation, take the left arm over the head and grip the left foot with the left hand. After taking a few breaths, exhale again, take the right arm over the head and catch the left foot with the right hand. Rest the head against it.
4. Stay in the pose for about 10 seconds. Release the grip on the left foot and come back to Hanumanasana. Raise the hips from the floor by placing the palms on the ground.
5. Now return to Hanumanasana, this time keeping the left leg stretched straight on the floor infront. Bend the right knee and take the right foot up near the head.
6. Repeat the pose by catcing the right foot and resting the head on it. Stay for the same length of time on this side.

Effects of the Eda pada Rajakapotaassana:
These poses refuvenate the lumbar and dorsal regions of the spine. The neck and shoulder muscles are fully exercised and the various positions of the legs strengthen the thighs and ankles. The thyroids, parathyroids, adrenals and gonads, receive a rich supply of blood and function properly, which increases vitality. In these poses more blood circulates round the pubic region, which is kept healty. These asanas are recommended for disorders of the urinary system and for controlling sexual desire

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