Friday, November 21, 2008



Karna means the ear. The prefix a expresses the sense of near to, towards. Dhanu means a bow. In this posture, the left foot is pulled up till the heel touches the ear as an archer pulls the bow-string, while the othe hand holds the right big toe, this leg lying straigh on the floor. In the second movemebt the raised leg is straightened until it is almost perpendicular,the big toe being held throughout by the hand like an extended bow.

The asana is given below in two movements.

1. Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in front.

2. Hold the right big toe between the right thumb and the index and middle fingers. Similarlyhold the left big toe.

3. Exhale,bend the left elbow and lift the left foot up by bending the knee. Take a breath. Now exhale and pull the left foot up unitl the heel is close to the left ear. At the same time draw the let arm back from the shoulder. D o not let go of the right big tow. Keep the right leg extended through out and see that the back of the entire leg rests on the floor. The extended right leg should not bend at the knee.

4. Hold tis position from 15 to 20 seconds with normal breathing This is the first movement.

5. Now exhale andstretch the left leg up vertically. Take a breath. Exhale, draw the leg further back until it touches the left ear. Continue to grip the toes of both feet and fully extend both legs Do not bend the at the knees. It takes fome time to learn to balance in this second movement. Remain in this postion from 10 to 15 seconds, breathing normally.

6. Repeat the pose on the right sede, pulling the right foot twoards the right ear and raising it up vericallynear the right ear, while keeping the left leg straight on the floor. Do not relax the hand grip of the toes. Maintain the position on bnoth sides for an equal length of time. Then release the hands and relax.


The practice of this posture makes the leg muscles ver flexible. The abdominal muscles are contractd and this helps tomove the bowels. Minor deformities in the hip joints are adjusted. The lower porition of the spine is exercised. The pose is full of grace. It should be practised unitl it comes effortlessly andgives the appearance of a trained archer discharging arrows from his bow

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