Monday, December 22, 2008



First perfom BADDA PADMASASNABaddha means caught, restrained. In this position the hands are crossed at the back and the big toes are caught from behind. The body is caught between the crossed legs in front and the crossed hands behind, hence the name.Technique1. Sit in Padmasana.2. Exhale, swing the left arm back from the shoulders and bring the hand near the right hip. Catch the left big toe, hold the position and inhale.3. Similarly, with an exhalation, swing the right arm back from the shoulder, bring it near the left hip and catch the right big toe.4. If the toes are difficult to catch stretch the shoulders back, so that the shoulder-blades are brought near each other. A little practice in the swinging the arms back with an exhalation will enable one to catch the big toes.5. If the right foot is placed first over the left thigh and then the right big toe. If, on the other hand, the left foot is placed over the right thigh first and then the right foot over the left thing, catch the right big toe first and then the left big toe.Catch first the big toe of the foot which is uppermost.6. Throw the head as far back as possible and take a few deep breaths.7. Inhale deeply, and then with an exhalation bend the trunkforward from the hips and rest the head on the floor, without releasing the toes from the hand grip. Bending the head forward in Baddh Padmasana and touchingit on the floor is called YOGA MUDRASANA.8. Also move the head on to the right and left knees alternately with an exhalation. EFFECTS:Crossing the hands behind the back exp[ands the chest and increases the range of shoulder movements. Yoga Mudrasana intensifies the peristaltic activity and pushes down the accumulated waste matter in the colon and therby relieve constipation and increases digestive power.

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