Alternate spelling:
BharadvajasanaThis Asana has been named after Sage Bharadwaja
Who was sage Bharadwaja?
Sage Bharadwaja belongs to the Brahmin clan which was known for its physical activities and practice of the martial arts. He was the father of sage Dronacharya, the teacher of the Pandavas and Kauravas in Mahabharata.The birth of Drona is quite interesting which has been recounted in the Mahabharata quite elaborately. Since in this case Drona was not born out of a woman, but a clay pot.Sage Bharadwaja's other son was sage Garga - who was also a vedic scholar as his father. Garga was also a renowned astrologer who gave Krishna his name.I found this Asana very useful in progressing to Ardha-MatsyedrasanaBreathing: Breath in when twisting the torso to the back. I am still, as usual, still to go a long way grappling this Asana. The twist here should be even more pronounced.
This asana is dedicated to the sage Bharadvaja whose son, Dronacharya, was the military preceptor of both the Kauravas and Pandavas.
1. Sit on the floor with both legs stretched straight in front of you.
2. Flexing the knees, draw the legs back and bring both feet to the right, beside the right hip. Rest the ankle of the right foot on the arch of the left foot.
3. Rest buttocks on the floor. Cup your palms. Place the left hand's fingertips behind the left hip and the right hand's fingertips outside the left thigh. Pressing fingertips on the floor, lift the trunk, extending the spine upwards. Do not sit on your feet; ensure that the buttocks are firmly on the floor.
4. Exhale and turn your trunk about 45° to the left. Place your right hand on the left thigh near the knee. Using the pressure of the right hand against the left knee, exhale and turn further. Then, straightening the right arm, insert the right palm under the left knee so that the face of the palm is on the floor.
5. Exhale. Turn left arm backwards from the shoulder. Bend at the left elbow and clasp the right upper arm with the left hand.
6. Tuck your shoulder-blades in and lift the sternum. Rotate the trunk till the right side of the body is in line with the left thigh. keep the left hip and the left shoulder in the same line. Do not lean backwards.
7. Turn your neck to the right and gaze over the right shoulder.
8. Hold this position for half a minute with deep breathing.
9. Loosen the grip of your palms and return to the first position. Then repeat the pose on the other side, taking both legs to the left and rotating the trunk to the right. Stay for the same duration of time on both the sides.
• If you experience difficulty in practicing this pose, sit on a blanket 2 inches thick. The feet should rest on the floor.
• A beginner can also practice this asana using the wall as support, so that the hips can twist around more easily.
• Sit with your left buttock touching the wall.
• Place both feet near the right buttock and the left knee and thigh against the wall.
• Put your right hand under the left thigh. Place left palm on the wall in line with the shoulders. Pressing left palm against the wall, raise the trunk and turn it to the left.
• Repeat the pose on the other side, with the right buttock against the wall.
• The asana works on the dorsal and lumbar regions of the spine, making the back supple. • Regular practice of this asana relieves arthritis.
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