Monday, September 1, 2008



The fundamental aim of yoga through every each of its branches is to reach the state of 'SAMADHI' or 'perfect Knowledge'. Now let's say we are not interested in samadhi, could the practice of yoga still offer any interst to us? Definitely, for emphasis through the techiniques of yoga we can attain radiant physical health and many other benefits. Yoga provides energy, relieves tensions and helps you to relax and control emotions (it plays an important role in mind control).

Yoga has proved to be very effective in fighting certain diseases incurable with medicines. More than 79% of diseases cannot be cured by chemical or lother such treatments because their emotional origin. They are the so called psychosomatic diseases originate in the mind; the causes being in the mind, the manifestations in the body. It is for this reason that the cause will not disappear by just treating the body and no patient will ever kbe able to overcome such diseases either permanently or completely.

Take for example, hypertension or high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a symptom we can see in the body but , the cause (I am talking about primary hypertension or essential hypertension) is stress and strainrelated to the mind-manifesting in the body. By administrating medication - such and such pills - we may succeed in bringing down the symptoms temporarily, but the cause still remains. Once the effect of the medicine is over, the blood pressure rises again. This is one of the problems. Another important factor is that cotinuous use of medicines will produce several side effects. Only by eradicating the cause from the mind one can completely and permanently cure hypertension. This can be achieved through yoga.

Naturally, one should decide what different techniques of yoga a persoin would have to practise, but this is another subject and I will not deal with it now. It is important to know that many diseases such as hypertension, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, different types of backaches, peptic ulcers, neurosis, insomnia, mental stress and mental strain, can be combated through the practice of yoga.

Of course, a lot or research is being done in this field and very encouraging results are already available. We need not go into details about it, but one point should be emphasised: yoga enables us to overcome those types of permanent ailments which are caused by circumstances that surround us that their impact on us. Some interesting results coming from scientific research in India,The United States, Japan, demonstrate that yoga disciplines, increase mental awareness and at the same time that sacuse a decrease in the respiratory rate. The can be proved by an electroencephalogram or EEG.

It has also been established that through yoga thyrotoxicosis can be overcome, hormone stimulations ca be maintained, the total oxygen consumption increases, urinary nitrogen excretion decreases, etc. The list of achievements this ancient discipline offers us is pretty long.

Yoga satisfies the needs of those seeking self – development of the higher levels of self and the lower levels of self – being also beneficial to the common man who is only concerned about getting rid of abdominalflab or to ease tensions by stretching muscles etc. There are six different aspects of yoga that can be followed or practiced :






6. MEDITATION (Dhyana).

We will touch upon these six subjects during this course so that you can have an idia of what whey are all about, at the same time keeping in mind that learning them thoroughly and praticing them correctly mihgt take a around five to six years depwending on one's capacity. A serious and sincere practitioner, however,will defieitely begin to feel the changes within … ssay, in four or five weeks. I can safely predict that.
The first thing you will fell is lightness of the body, and this is not related to one's weight. No; your weight may be the same, but you will still have that sensation of lightness while walking,while standing or sitting. Your body will not feel like a heavy burden to be dragged along any more. The real practical method of learning yoga starts from the body and goes up to the mind.

According to yoga therapy, body and mind are inseparable: whatever happens to the body, is impacted upon the mind and vice – versa. It is something like a snake; you pull its tail, it will bite you; you pull its face, it will lash you with its tail; Head and tail are as one organism as it is. More than the abstract contents of mind and other subtlation we are aware of our body. It is essential to control this 'huge' facet first. We shall therefore start with asanas.

The main emphasis of yoga is 'LIFE'. Everyone is aware of the fact that one is alive, though one sometimes feels that living is beyond expression. If I ask 'what is life?' You might realise, you don't know what life is: but you still feel there is life. You might not know what it is, but there is something , a kind of force ….. that is life ! This life force is called 'prana'.

'Prana' is a form of energy, which circulates through the body. While it circulates, there is life; when abandons the body, it is death. This prana or pranic energy circulates in our body through 72,000 'nadis' – which are the channels of prana. At the physical level we can see three types of channels in our body: blood vessels or blood channesl, lymphatic channesl and neural channesl. Nadis are the fourth system.

To improve our health and get some toher higher benefits it is necessary to increase the amount of prana. And this is something like building a dam. Before building the dam you have to condsider that once the dam is built,water will accumulate there. Where should this water go? Channels ought to be ready evenbefore the dam. There are 72,000 channels of prana in our body which becouse of our life style, our way of living, might not be clean – usually, they are never clean. Well, a partial cleansing of nadis can be done through the practice of ASANAS and; deeper cleansing by practicing PRANAYAMA, (A techingque of breathing) by doing both asana and pranayama one can clean the channels, increase the amount of prana as well as ones life energy and live pretty long,free from disease.

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