Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana:- Ardha means half, badha means caught, restrained and padma a lotus.Paschimottanasana is the posture where the back of the whole body is intensely stretched.
EXHALE. Place the right foot on the left thigh. Raise your right arm up and bring it back grab the right foot with the right hand. Bring left arm up and down grab the outside of the left foot. Look to the toes, as in A. XOr place the sole of the right foot in the inside of the left leg and grab as far as possible with your hands, as in A1.
INHALE. . Look half the up to the horizon keeping the grip. Lengthen the spine.
EXHALE. Bend forward. STAY HERE as much as you can in LONG DEEP BREATHS
INHALE. Look half the up to the horizon. Lengthen the spine.
EXHALE. Release the legs. VINYAS
EFFECTS:- Due to the half lotus pose, the knees become flexible enugh to execute the full lotus pose.While placing the chin on the kne of the extended leg, the bent knee is brought close to the stretched leg.This gives a good pull to the navel and abdominal organs. Blood is made to flow round the navel and the genital organs. The navel is considered to be a nerve centre, and the Svadhisthana Chakra, one or lthe purioficatory fly-wheels in the human nervous sys3m, is situated there.This chakra corresponds to the hypo-gastric plexus.The pose is recommended for persons with runded and drooping shoulders.
EXHALE. Place the right foot on the left thigh. Raise your right arm up and bring it back grab the right foot with the right hand. Bring left arm up and down grab the outside of the left foot. Look to the toes, as in A. XOr place the sole of the right foot in the inside of the left leg and grab as far as possible with your hands, as in A1.
INHALE. . Look half the up to the horizon keeping the grip. Lengthen the spine.
EXHALE. Bend forward. STAY HERE as much as you can in LONG DEEP BREATHS
INHALE. Look half the up to the horizon. Lengthen the spine.
EXHALE. Release the legs. VINYAS
EFFECTS:- Due to the half lotus pose, the knees become flexible enugh to execute the full lotus pose.While placing the chin on the kne of the extended leg, the bent knee is brought close to the stretched leg.This gives a good pull to the navel and abdominal organs. Blood is made to flow round the navel and the genital organs. The navel is considered to be a nerve centre, and the Svadhisthana Chakra, one or lthe purioficatory fly-wheels in the human nervous sys3m, is situated there.This chakra corresponds to the hypo-gastric plexus.The pose is recommended for persons with runded and drooping shoulders.
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