Thursday, December 11, 2008

Adho Mukha Vrksasana

Adho Mukha Vrksasana -

Full Arm Balance (Downward Facing Tree)Inversions are important because of the effect they have on the glands situated in the brain which controls growth and the health of the body. The inversions and their variations stimulate the blood supply to the cells of the brain. They help develop a balanced temperament and contentment. They help with memory loss
, weakness, uneasiness, brain fatigue and mental disorders such as depression and emotional instability. The lungs are expanded and develop resistance so that one can acclimatize to any weather condition. Blood hemoglobin increases.The spine becomes strong. Diseases of kidneys, bladder, displaced or prolapsed uterus, intestinal disorders, headaches complaints of nose and throat are alleviated. The muscular system of the abdomen and the legs are toned. The
shoulders, arms and wrists are strengthened.Pose Practice FOR BEGINNERS.tand in Tadasana (mountain pose). Bend forward and place the palms shoulder width apart, several inches away from a wall.
Keep arms fully stretched.
Walk back several steps.
Bend one knee and swing the other leg up straight towards the wall.
The other leg will follow. Balance.
Stay for a minute breathing normally and keeping the legs fully stretched up.
Lift the head and look at the floor.
Try the pose in the middle of the room after learning to balance near the wall.

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