Raja kapota means the king of pigeons. This is a very attractive but difficult pose. The chest is pushed forward like that of a strutting pigeon, hence this name.
1. Lie full length on thefloor on the stomach, bend the elbows and place the palms on the floor on either side of the waist.
2. Exhale, lift the head and trunk up and back by stretching the arms fully, without moving the pubic region and the legs, Remain in this postion for a few seconds, breathing normally.
3. Exhale, bend the knees and lift the feet up. The body weight will be felt by the pelvic region and the thighs. Take a few breaths.
4. Taking pressure on the right hand, lift the left hand and with a fast and deep exhalation swing the left arm back from the shoulder and catch hold of the left knee-cap. Take a few breaths. Again with a fast and deep exhalaion, swing the right arm back from the shoulder and grip the right knee-cap with the right hand.
5. Raise the chest and using the hold on the knees as a lever stretch the spine and neck still further back unitl the head rests on the soles and heels. Keep the feet togheter and the kneers as close to each other as possible.
6. Maintain the pose as lobg as you can for about 15 seconds. As the spine and chest arte fully extended while the abdomen is pressed against the grougnd, breathing will be very fast and difficult and a stay of about 15 seconds will seem like an age. The pose closely resembles Lagu Vajrasana, the difference being that the body now rests on the pelovic region and the thinghs, instead of on the legs from the knees to the toes.
7. 7 Stretch the legs straight again. Let go of the knees and bring the palms in front on the floor one by one. If both hands are released simultaneously, due to the tension of the spine one is apt to fall on the face and hurt oneself. After resting the palms by one in front, rest the chest on the floor and relax.
8. If this is difficult, place the palms on the floor and rest the crown of the head on the feet.
In Kapotasana the lumbar region of the spine feels the stretch. In Rajakapotasana on the other hand, both the lumbar and the dorsal regions of the spine benefit by it. The neck and shoulder muscles are fullystretched and exercised.As the weight of the body falls on the pubic region, more blood circulates there so that the region is kept healthy. The abdominal organs are pressed against the floor and so are masssaged. The abdominal organs are pressed against the floor and so are massaged. The thyroids, parathyroids, adrenals and the gonads receive a copious and rich supply of blood and this ensures increaased vitality. The asana is recommended for disorders of the urinary system. Along with Kandasana and Supta Trivikramasana, Rajakapotasana is recommended for controlling sexual desire.
Raja kapota means the king of pigeons. This is a very attractive but difficult pose. The chest is pushed forward like that of a strutting pigeon, hence this name.
1. Lie full length on thefloor on the stomach, bend the elbows and place the palms on the floor on either side of the waist.
2. Exhale, lift the head and trunk up and back by stretching the arms fully, without moving the pubic region and the legs, Remain in this postion for a few seconds, breathing normally.
3. Exhale, bend the knees and lift the feet up. The body weight will be felt by the pelvic region and the thighs. Take a few breaths.
4. Taking pressure on the right hand, lift the left hand and with a fast and deep exhalation swing the left arm back from the shoulder and catch hold of the left knee-cap. Take a few breaths. Again with a fast and deep exhalaion, swing the right arm back from the shoulder and grip the right knee-cap with the right hand.
5. Raise the chest and using the hold on the knees as a lever stretch the spine and neck still further back unitl the head rests on the soles and heels. Keep the feet togheter and the kneers as close to each other as possible.
6. Maintain the pose as lobg as you can for about 15 seconds. As the spine and chest arte fully extended while the abdomen is pressed against the grougnd, breathing will be very fast and difficult and a stay of about 15 seconds will seem like an age. The pose closely resembles Lagu Vajrasana, the difference being that the body now rests on the pelovic region and the thinghs, instead of on the legs from the knees to the toes.
7. 7 Stretch the legs straight again. Let go of the knees and bring the palms in front on the floor one by one. If both hands are released simultaneously, due to the tension of the spine one is apt to fall on the face and hurt oneself. After resting the palms by one in front, rest the chest on the floor and relax.
8. If this is difficult, place the palms on the floor and rest the crown of the head on the feet.
In Kapotasana the lumbar region of the spine feels the stretch. In Rajakapotasana on the other hand, both the lumbar and the dorsal regions of the spine benefit by it. The neck and shoulder muscles are fullystretched and exercised.As the weight of the body falls on the pubic region, more blood circulates there so that the region is kept healthy. The abdominal organs are pressed against the floor and so are masssaged. The abdominal organs are pressed against the floor and so are massaged. The thyroids, parathyroids, adrenals and the gonads receive a copious and rich supply of blood and this ensures increaased vitality. The asana is recommended for disorders of the urinary system. Along with Kandasana and Supta Trivikramasana, Rajakapotasana is recommended for controlling sexual desire.
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