Friday, August 29, 2008


Ardha Bheka Kapotasana
Half Frog Pigeon This Pigeon Pose has elements of Bhekasana the Frog pose. In one the upper body is sideways and in the other the chest faces forward. Doing this pose will allow you to eventually perform Vamadevasana a very old pose named after a god of destruction.
Bend the back leg and place the hand over the toes or foot to help lever the lower leg down. Push down on the foot to stretch the Quadriceps.
For an easier version of this pose place the arm down on the mat instead of forward or up. Raising an arm up will allow the chest to align forward.
This yoga posture stretches the hip, knees and quadriceps.
The meniscus of the knee is very vulnerable. If the knee and hip are not flexible keep the hand on the mat supporting the knee joint and reducing the pressure. You want to avoid sudden motions when the weight and force fall on the knee because this is a vulnerable time. Haste will get you in trouble. This is quite often done by students. Be aware of the necessity to enter all yoga postures slowly and with grace. Especially one that twists and bends a joint simultaneously.
Knee muscle really prevent the stretch from deepening. These are the popliteus which wraps around the tibia and inserts in the femur at the inner part of the end of the bone. Close the that on the outside of the knee is the arcuate popliteal ligament and the lateral collateral ligament of the knee and the medial collateral ligement. These bind the Fibula and femur together at the outer part of the knee joint. These are also stretched along with the knees internal ligaments.

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