Tuesday, August 19, 2008



R ajakapota means the king of pigeons. This is a very attractive but difficult pose. The chest is pushed froward like that of a strutting pigeon, hence this name.


In Kapotasana the lumbar region of the spine feels the stretch. In Rajakapostasana on the other hand, both the lumbar and the dorsal regions of the spine benefit by it.The neck and shoulder muscles are fully stretched and exercised.As the weight of the body fallson the pubic region, more blood circulates there so that the region is kept healthy.The abdominal organs are pressed against the floor and so are masssged.The thyroids, parathyroids, adrenals and the gonads receive a copious and rich supply of blood and htis ensures increaseed vitality. The asana is recommended for disorders of the urinary system. Rajakapotasana ios recommended for controling sexual desire.

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