Saturday, August 16, 2008


UBHAYA PADANGUSHTASANA :- Ubhaya means Both, Padangushtasana means Big toe. To start wity one rolls over backwards to the floor, and it takes some time and practice to learn to balance on the buttocks alone.Stay in the pose from 30 to 60 seconds with normal breathing. BENIFITS :- This aana tones the abdomial organs and keeps them free from sluggishness. It also tones the kidneys, rejuvenates the whole spine and improves the digestion.The spines of animals are horizontal and their hearts are below the spine.This keeps them healthy and gives them great power of endurance. In humans the spine is vertical and the heart is not lower than the spine,so that they soon feel the effects of exertion and are also susceptitble to the heart deseases.In due to the extra stretch given to the pelvic region more oxygenated blood is brought there and the gonad glands absorb the required nutrition from the blood.This increases vitality,helps to cure impotency and leads to sex control. Hence, this asana was called Brahmacharyasana.Brahmacharya means celibacy anda Brahmachari is one who has controlled the sex appetite and who is live every movement in divine.
EFFECTS :- The pose helps balance and poise.The legs stretch fully which makes the thighs and calves shapely.

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